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Research Scholar Lu Lixin of CSU Visits CUIT for Academic Exchange
July 5, 2017   审核人:

Invited by School of Atmospheric Sciences, Research Scholar Lu Lixin from Colorado State University, USA visited CUIT and attended an academic meeting in Conference Room 310 on the afternoon of July 3. The conference was hosted by Fan Guangzhou, Dean of School of Atmospheric Sciences, with the presence of some teacher representatives.

Fan Guangzhou extended a warm welcome to the arrival of Lu Lixin and presented the talent introduction, discipline construction and research progress in School of Atmospheric Sciences.

Lu lixin introduced his main direction of research, including mesometeorology, the mutual effect of the earth’s surface and the atmosphere, dynamic plant cover, regional scale weather and climate model, and had a thorough discussion with teachers present. As one of the American chairperson at “Sino-America Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Climatic Effect United Academic Seminar”, Lu introduced the scientific problems that the seminar concerns and its preparation progress, and kindly invited teachers of Atmospheric Sciences to participate in the seminar and create opportunities for project cooperation.

The participants exchanged scientific problems that they concerned with Lu Lixin, who proposed some research suggestions as well as cooperation intention and invited teachers of Atmospheric Sciences to visit CSU.  

Fan Guangzhou concluded that this meeting had a rich content, thorough discussion and a fruitful effect, hoping teachers present gain useful suggestions and apply them in their own scientific research. He encouraged that teachers at School of Atmospheric Sciences should actively gain opportunities to be a visiting scholar at CSU on the basis of this meeting. He also assigned relevant tasks of joining “Sino-America Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Climatic Effect United Academic Seminar”.

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