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CUIT Delegation Completes the Summer Training Program of Building Double First-rate Information Major
September 7, 2017   审核人:

Approved by National Bureau of Foreign Experts, CUIT delegation carried out the summer training program of building double first-rate information major in Melbourne of Australia from July 21 to August 11. In Monash University and La Trobe University, 24 members of professional teachers attended the 21-day training class, including 23 academic courses in meteorological remote sensing technology, data science, machine learning, text mining, biometric information technology, network space security and communication technology. In the 7 extracurricular observations, the delegation visited Immersion Visualization CAVE, Australian Computer Association, York Butter Factory, National centre for Australian Synchrotron, ECSC labs etc. In addition, under the leadership of Shu Hongping 3 internal seminars were conducted on training program review, idea of scientific research cooperation among schools of CUIT and the internationalization of speciality construction.

During the training, CUIT delegation received warm welcome from Monash University and La Trobe University. Moreover, after getting a deep percipience on major distribution, teaching and scientific research management and international cooperation of the two universities, the delegation achieved initial intent of cooperation on Sino-foreign cooperative education, scientific research cooperation, as well as student and teacher exchange program.

Invited by Michael Gidley, the councilor of Victoria State, and companied by MT Pang Tsoi, the councilor of Monash city, CUIT delegation visited the Parliament House of Victoria, the conference hall of Senate and House of Representatives, library and the rest, which provide a better understanding of the history and system of Victoria parliament.

Through the summer training, all members of the delegation had a clear idea about teaching and scientific research of Australian universities and frontier research knowledge on Meteorological information major. Furthermore, their training results on Education, technology, frontier research and market application and internationalized education in Australia will be shared with CUIT teachers and students.


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