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President of HTW SAAR visits CUIT with his delegation
September 21, 2017   审核人:

26th August, 2017

Wolrad Rommel, President of the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes (HTW SAAR), visited CUIT with his delegation and attended the conference held in No. 7 meeting room of the Administrative Building to discuss the cooperation issues between the two universities. President Yu Minming, Vice President He Jianxin, Directors of Administrative Office of CCPC and government, International Office, School of Control Engineering charge attended the meeting.


PresidentYu Minming expressed warm welcome to the guests and introduced the basic information of our university at the meeting. President Wolrad Rommel introduced the basic information of HTW SAAR and the primary assumption of building an international campus in Chengdu. Later, President Wolrad Rommel and the delegation visited the laboratories of Control Engineering School, student innovation laboratory, information disciplines laboratory, school of Atmospheric Sciences and School of Electronic Engineering.


Through communication and discussions, all parties reached a consensus of cooperation about building an innovative campus, organizing mutual visiting delegations of innovative and teacher training. The memorandum of understanding was signed after the conference.

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